Sunday 3 July 2016

Reasons for Optimism

Reasons for optimism

What a world.

But there are reasons to be cheerful. Polonius-like, I shall be brief.

· If the West be in a state of revolution, and I think we are, then it is the most peaceful in history, done with votes instead of pitchforks or bombs. (I might be counting my chickens, but at time of publication, this holds true.)

· Brexit might work. Lots of countries have expressed interest in forging closer relations with us, including America (except for Obama, who is halfway out the door) and New Zealand. Furthermore, the referendum might have woken our democracy from its deep slumber, and lead to a democratic renewal in England. All of us must play our part, and move on from these traumatic and tormenting events with courage. We really are all in this together, and that is a good thing.

· Politics will stabilise. The Tories look set to reunite, and if Labour split (as they must surely do) the social-democratic wing should be able to renew itself with clarity and vigour, and provide the effective opposition that every democracy needs. This might be the shake-up our party system has needed.

· Women are set to take charge. Probably Theresa May, possibly Andrea Leadsome in Britain; already Merkel in Germany; probably Clinton in the USA. If there were any doubts that the glass ceiling was rebuilt after Thatcher left, then it must surely be shattered now. And it wouldn't be the first time the England had turned to a woman for her salvation in her hour of need.

· We can heal; divisions can be reversed. If there are two nations now in Britain and America, then at least we know it; and now that we know, we can start to do something about it.

· If it takes Brexit to wake the EU up to the dangers of its own making, then maybe - maybe - it can reform and save itself, for it is an accident of timing that popular pressure exploded in England first - I had always expected Greece to be the first to fall away from the EU. And if the EU cannot, or refuses to reform itself, then perhaps it is for the best if it pass into history, as it surely will.

· Social media never reflects reality. People must soon realise this. It's time to switch it off. Those who can't switch it off can be relied upon to get hysterical; it is safe and acceptable to ignore these people.

· We have survived worse. Probably. I think.

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